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About us


Founder and President 
In 2017I adopted my dog Jake from the animal shelter and in 2018 I adopted my dog Duke from a rescue organization. When I adopted the dogs neither of them came with pet ID tags. I remember we needed to quickly get to a pet store and get them ID tags. We were warned that newly adopted pets are considered “high flight risk” and we did not want to take any chances with our new family members!  Although pets from shelters are typically microchipped, not everyone has quick access to a chip reader but almost everyone carries around a cell phone. After thinking about it and learning more over the years I decided to combine my passion for helping rescue animals with technology and start a charity dedicated to laser engraving free temporary pet ID tags for rescue organizations and shelters. 



In the summer of 2011 our dog Luna moved into our house when she was one year old. Luna has always enjoyed going on walks, visiting the park, meeting other dogs, and chasing squirrels. She also discovered a passion for swimming after my family moved to Tampa in 2016. That same year we learned of an eleven year old dog named Milton at a local animal shelter. After we went to visit we knew we had to adopt ​him. During the six years before he passed, Milton most enjoyed sleeping, watching tv, and smelling the grass. Having lived all my life with dogs and knowing how important dogs are to my family, when I heard about Wags For Tags I was immediately interested in joining and making sure animal adopting families won’t ever have to worry about losing their pet. When I’m not spending time with dogs or Wags For Tags I am a full time high school student and varsity rower.




In the summer of 2020 my family rescued our first dog named Winston. Winston was a little skittish at first because of his past owners so he would frequently run away. Since he had his pet ID tag on, people in the neighborhood knew that he belonged to someone, so they would always call and tell us where they found him even though he never got far. But after a lot of training, Winston understood that he was in a safe environment where he could relax and get all the treats he wanted. That's why when I heard of Wags for Tags, I immediately wanted to join because I knew how important pet ID tags are, especially for new owners. When I am not teaching Winston new tricks or helping out Wags For Tags, I am a high school student who is in the National Honor Society and also enjoys going to the gym.

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© 2024 by Wags For Tags. Wags For Tags is a registered 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. Wags For Tags is a registered charity located in Tampa, Florida

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